[wix-users] Driver uninstallation

Matthias Reuss matthias.mr.reuss at wsa.com
Thu May 14 06:05:19 PDT 2020


we are installing some drivers with our software that are shared with other applications, i.e. there are some other installation packages that contain the same drivers.

We use the DifXApp extension to install the drivers, using components like the following:

<Component Id="SharedDriver_INF" Guid="{ANY-GUID}">
    <File Id="SharedDriver.inf" Name="SharedDriver.inf" KeyPath="yes" Source="$(var.DriverSourcePath)\SharedDriver.inf" />
    <File Id="SharedDriver.cat" Name="SharedDriver.cat" Source="$(var.DriverSourcePath)\SharedDriver.cat" />
    <DifxApp:Driver AddRemovePrograms="no" PlugAndPlayPrompt="no" Sequence="12" />

Where the target directory of the component is c:\Program Files\MyCompany\Drivers\SharedDriver, i.e. a subfolder of the installation directory.

On uninstall, this does not only remove the "private" copy of the driver from that target directory, but also calls the driver uninstallation, which in turn may affect other software.

How do I alter this behaviour, i.e. remove the files that installation copied to the installation directory, but not uninstall the driver, so that the device can still be used?
I have not seen a matching attribute to DifxApp:Driver.

Best regards

Matthias Reuss

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