[wix-users] TrackDiskSpace only tracks if there are page transition.

Shintaro Takechi devst119 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 13 14:17:25 PDT 2020


I have the following page for allowing the user to change the destination
folder and display the space available on that selected drive.

<Dialog Id="InstallLocationDlg" Width="516" Height="371" Title="myproduct"
NoMinimize="no" TrackDiskSpace="yes">
    <Control Id="Folder" Type="PathEdit" X="135" Y="128" Width="315"
Height="17" Property="WIXUI_INSTALLDIR" Indirect="yes" Disabled="no"/>
    <Control Id="ChangeFolder" Type="PushButton" X="460" Y="129" Width="42"
Height="15" Text="Browse" />

    <Control Id="DiskSpaceAvailable" NoWrap="no" RightAligned="no"
Transparent="no" Type="Text"
                 X="160" Y="255" Width="150" Height="15"
    <Control Id="DiskSpaceAvailableValue" NoWrap="no" RightAligned="yes"
Transparent="no" Type="Text"
                 X="260" Y="255" Width="50" Height="15"

Directories are defined as following and property is ready to be modified.

    <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
      <!-- Main installation location -->
      <Directory Id="BASEFOLDER" Name="$(var.PRODUCT_BASE_FOLDER)">
        <Directory Id="PRODUCTDESTINATION"

This seems to work fine, displaying the default drive's available space.
Until attempting to directly modify the Folder PathEdit control by deleting
the drive letter C and typing D.
This unfortunately does not reflect the disk space available for D drive.
I have to go through the ChangeFolder browse button.
Until the OK is pressed on the Browse button, the Available disk is not
displayed properly.

I have attempted to change the Indirect attribute on Folder Control to no,
but that did not help.

I know when I proceed with installing, the property is updated as expected
and installation occurs in the desired location.

So what can I do to modify the property PRODUCTDESTINATION while on the
same page?

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