[wix-users] Multi-language installer - custom bootstrapper

viharika reddy viharikareddygopu at gmail.com
Wed Feb 26 07:24:14 PST 2020


I would like to know whether I am following a right approach or not to
create a multi-lang installer(English and Japanese). I am following below

*Package creation:*

   1. Default language is set to English in my product.wxs file.
   2. Creating the msi package
   3. Creating Japanese localized msi package using "-dcodepage=932" and
   "-cultures:ja-JP" options.
   4. Generating a transform file (1041.mst) using torch by passing the
   above two msi packages(English and Japanese)
   5. Creating a simple bootstrapper application with language selection
   dialog. Now my package contains
      1. msi package
      2. 1041.mst file (japanese) and
      3.  setup.exe (bootstrapper)

*Note*: I am not including Japanese msi in my package


   1. setup.exe displays a lang-selection dialog upon its launching.
   2. If user selects "English" then msi will be launched as "msiexex /i
   3. If user selects "Japanese" then msi will launched as "msiexe /i
   product.msi 1041.mst"

Could please confirm that I am following a right process here to create a
multi-language installer? Please let me know if there is any better
approach or any drawbacks in my current process.


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