[wix-users] Driver Uninstall with Bundle

R ryee at pronktech.com
Wed Jul 18 17:23:54 PDT 2018

I managed to solve my problem with:

<difx:Driver AddRemovePrograms="no"/>


On Wed, Jul 18, 2018 at 11:54 AM, R <ryee at pronktech.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm trying not to leave unused files on uninstall. I have two MSI's in a
> bundle: one is the main app, the other are hardware drivers. If I uninstall
> the bundle, I would expect the drivers to be uninstalled as well; however,
> they aren't, because I think the system is storing it in the DriverStore
> since the driver is installed.
> What is the best way to uninstall the driver remove all inf, etc. files
> while first making sure there are no other dependencies?
> This is a snippet of the current component:
>             <Component Id="component_usbserialINF" Guid="VALUE"
> Win64="yes">
>               <difx:Driver /> <!-- Element to install the inf driver.-->
>               <File Id="file_usbserialINF" Source="..\BLED112-Signed-Win-Drv\windrv\usbserial.inf"
> Vital="yes" KeyPath="yes"/>
>               <File Id="file_usbserialCAT" Source="..\BLED112-Signed-Win-
> Drv\windrv\usbserial.cat" Vital="yes"/>
>               <RemoveFile Id="rmFile_usbserialAllFiles" Name="*"
> On="both"/>
>               <RemoveFolder Id="rmDir_serialusb" Directory="dir_serialusb"
> On="both"/>
>               <RemoveFolder Id="rmDir_serialusb_drivers"
> Directory="dir_drivers" On="both"/>
> According to
> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/in
> stall/using-difxapp-to-uninstall-driver-packages
> I think the extension might no longer work if I am targeting >= Win7.
> <difx:Driver DeleteFiles="yes"/> removes the files from the DriverStore
> during install (thus making it so the drivers are NOT installed, which is
> the opposite of what I need), but leaves the source inf, etc. Is there a
> way to specify to remove the DriverStore and source files on uninstall only?
> By the way, does it matter if RemoveFile comes before or after
> RemoveFolder? Is removal sequenced?
> Thanks!

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