[wix-users] 64-bit app shows up twice on Win10, once as 32-bit and once as 64-bit

Joel Budreau joel.budreau at gmail.com
Wed Dec 21 11:27:49 PST 2016

The windows control panel looks in the following registry locations to
determine what programs are installed, I'd check these first:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\... (64bit
(32bit installs)

See if you have two entries on Win10 and only one on Win7.

On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 11:11 AM, Dale Barnard <DBarnard at thorlabs.com>

> I have a 64-bit application that seems to work fine, but when using Revo
> Uninstaller, I noticed the following strange behavior.
> 1.       On Win10, it shows up twice, once as 32-bit and once as 64-bit.
> It does not install any files to Program Files (x86).
> 2.       On Win7, it shows up once, but it's as 32-bit.
> In both cases, the 64-bit app works fine.
> I'm sure I've done something wrong in my product.wxs or bootstrapper. Any
> ideas what to look for?
> Thanks!
> Dale
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