[wix-users] We cannot delete the application without restarting Windows

Edwin Castro egcastr at gmail.com
Fri Dec 9 17:51:39 PST 2022

Do your applications properly support the Restart Manager? Some good links


WiX has a few tools to start/stop services/processes.

v3 docs




v4 docs




Worst case scenario, you may need a custom action to, at least, stop those

Edwin G. Castro

On Fri, Dec 9, 2022, 01:20 k.dubailov--- via wix-users <
wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> We've come across a problem while updating the "Softaware and
> components". When updating we see two installed apps: the new and the
> old ones.
> We can see in the logs that first the new version was installed and then
> there was an attempt to delete the old version, but the deleting was not
> finished because the restart of the system was required. After restart
> of the PC deleting finishes without problems.
> This behavior is not stable. In the logs you can find records like: Info
> 1903.Scheduling reboot operation: Deleting file [file name]. Must reboot
> to complete operation.
> Also in the viewer we can see records from Microsoft
> Windows-RestartManager with the message: the attempt to reboot the
> app/service was failed.
> The name of the file and the app is often looks like this
> C:Config.Msi107972eb.rbf.
> So it's not always clear why the restart of the system is required.
> Is it possible in the moment of installation/deleting to clarify that
> the app is running and some files are busy and also try to close the
> app/stop the service, so that RestartManagers wouldn't be asking for a
> restart?
> There are several apps and services In the distributive (wix Bundle) as
> well as files, such as pdf, rtf etc.
> Thanks!
> Konstantin Dubailov
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