[wix-users] Bootstrapper does not wait for bundle to be installed

Hoover, Jacob Jacob.Hoover at greenheck.com
Mon Mar 29 12:10:01 PDT 2021

With the exe package UI up, do you still see the process in task manager?  I ask, because I wonder if the exe is a self extracting MSI or zip, and it’s running something else.

From: Ивайло Гугалов <ivaylogugalov at gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 2:08 PM
To: Hoover, Jacob <Jacob.Hoover at greenheck.com>
Cc: WiX Toolset Users Mailing List <wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org>
Subject: Re: [wix-users] Bootstrapper does not wait for bundle to be installed

Removing the silent switch has the expected effect - the exe package shows it's own UI.
The ExecutePackageComplete event is again raised immediately, so the Bundle is installed without the exe package.

The event was received at 11:51:07 based on the Wix log file, while the exe package logs start at 11:51:11. No errors are observed in either of the log files.
I can't tell how "basic" the package is, as I am not it's creator, but as far as I know, it's not created with Wix.

На пн, 29.03.2021 г. в 20:15 ч. Hoover, Jacob <Jacob.Hoover at greenheck.com<mailto:Jacob.Hoover at greenheck.com>> написа:
What happens if you take off the silent switch on the exe package [for debugging, not for production]?  Is there anything in the exe packages logging that would indicate a time gap or any errors?

The only way the engine doesn’t wait for completion on a “basic” exe package is if the fire and forget flag is set.

From: Ивайло Гугалов <ivaylogugalov at gmail.com<mailto:ivaylogugalov at gmail.com>>
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 11:57 AM
To: Hoover, Jacob <Jacob.Hoover at greenheck.com<mailto:Jacob.Hoover at greenheck.com>>
Cc: WiX Toolset Users Mailing List <wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org<mailto:wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org>>
Subject: Re: [wix-users] Bootstrapper does not wait for bundle to be installed

I am using Wix 3.10 and I am using "bootstrapper.Engine.Plan(LaunchAction.Install);" to start the installation. I am not using the Protocol attribute anywhere.
I have attached the install logs.

На пн, 29.03.2021 г. в 19:17 ч. Hoover, Jacob <Jacob.Hoover at greenheck.com<mailto:Jacob.Hoover at greenheck.com>> написа:

Assuming per user:


And the loop:


You aren’t doing anything funky with Protocol (https://wixtoolset.org/documentation/manual/v3/xsd/wix/exepackage.html<https://wixtoolset.org/documentation/manual/v3/xsd/wix/exepackage.html>) , or is your BA returning BOOTSTRAPPER_ACTION_UPDATE_REPLACE for the planning of that ExePackage? Also knowing what version of Wix you are using would be helpful.

From: Ивайло Гугалов <ivaylogugalov at gmail.com<mailto:ivaylogugalov at gmail.com>>
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 11:02 AM
To: Hoover, Jacob <Jacob.Hoover at greenheck.com<mailto:Jacob.Hoover at greenheck.com>>; WiX Toolset Users Mailing List <wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org<mailto:wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org>>
Subject: RE: [wix-users] Bootstrapper does not wait for bundle to be installed

I am subscribing to the ExecutePackageComplete event to determine when the exe package has been installed or uninstalled.
I see that the event is immediately raised after the action has started and after that some registry keys are removed before shutting down the BA.
The exit code is: 0x0

The case is the same with uninstallation as well.

It’s not running a different exe inside and exiting earlier.

From: Hoover, Jacob<mailto:Jacob.Hoover at greenheck.com>
Sent: 29 март 2021 г. 18:41
To: WiX Toolset Users Mailing List<mailto:wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org>
Cc: Ивайло Гугалов<mailto:ivaylogugalov at gmail.com>
Subject: RE: [wix-users] Bootstrapper does not wait for bundle to be installed

You need a few more lines of the log to see if it waited or not, and what it’s exit code was.

Is it possible your exe package it running a different exe and exiting early?

From: wix-users <wix-users-bounces at lists.wixtoolset.org<mailto:wix-users-bounces at lists.wixtoolset.org>> On Behalf Of ?????? ??????? via wix-users
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:56 AM
To: WiX Toolset Users Mailing List <wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org<mailto:wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org>>
Cc: Ивайло Гугалов <ivaylogugalov at gmail.com<mailto:ivaylogugalov at gmail.com>>
Subject: Re: [wix-users] Bootstrapper does not wait for bundle to be installed

Hi Sean,

I just have a Bundle element with an ExePackage inside:

<ExePackage ....
UninstallCommand="/I /X /quiet /uninstall"
DetectCondition="IsInstalled" />

Here is the log:

[2008:2284][2021-03-29T07:11:45]i301: Applying execute package: AppName,
action: Install, path: C:\Users\Ivaylo\AppData\Local\Package
Cache\C6E07249B0721D7FFCAEA34F379A6EA49A670993\AppName.exe, arguments:
Cache\C6E07249B0721D7FFCAEA34F379A6EA49A670993\AppName.exe" /S

Uninstallation is also not waiting for the exe to finish removing itself
(the uninstallation of the exe package is even breaking for some reason)
and the UI of the exe package is showing:

[1B7C:23B8][2021-03-29T07:50:53]i301: Applying execute package: AppName,
action: Uninstall, path: C:\Users\Ivaylo\AppData\Local\Package
Cache\C6E07249B0721D7FFCAEA34F379A6EA49A670993\AppName.exe, arguments:
Cache\C6E07249B0721D7FFCAEA34F379A6EA49A670993\AppName.exe" /I /X /quiet


На пн, 29.03.2021 г. в 16:49 ч. Sean Hall via wix-users <
wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org<mailto:wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org>> написа:

> Your bundle is installing a bundle as an ExePackage? Can you share the full
> command line from the log (in %TEMP%)? The engine is always supposed to
> wait for the ExePackage to finish. There is no "/wait bundle.exe" command,
> that would be something you would try when launching the bundle yourself
> from a command prompt.
> On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 8:27 AM Ивайло Гугалов via wix-users <
> wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org<mailto:wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org>> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have created a custom BA and I am doing a silent installation of an exe
> > package. Everything works fine, but my custom BA is not waiting for the
> exe
> > file to finish installation.
> > I have found the following command "/wait bundle.exe", but I am not sure
> > how and where to use it.
> > Can someone point me to the correct usage?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Ivaylo
> >
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