[wix-users] Full UI in maintenance mode

Sean Hall r.sean.hall at gmail.com
Thu May 7 15:10:37 PDT 2020

If you're talking about WixStandardBA, then no. It only supports Repair not
Modify (I don't know where you see "change", maybe in Add/Remove
Programs?). In MSI, I think the user can only add/remove features in
maintenance mode not change application options. I don't think wixstdba is
going to try to support something that isn't supported by the underlying
packages. (I believe it is technically possible to add the Options page
button to the Modify page in a custom theme in v3.x, but that doesn't sound
like that would help in your case)

On Thu, May 7, 2020 at 10:38 PM Aleksey Pogorelskiy via wix-users <
wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org> wrote:

> Hello!
> Is it possible to launch full bootstrapper UI (with "options" page etc.) in
> maintenance mode? Now I just have three buttons ("change", "uninstall",
> "cancel") with no any options in the maintenance-mode UI.
> My purpose is to give to user possibility to change application options
> after installation.
> Best regards,
> Aleksey Pogorelskiy
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