[wix-users] WiX Toolset Discussions experiment on GitHub

Sean Hall r.sean.hall at gmail.com
Thu Dec 3 11:19:59 PST 2020

GitHub very recently made it possible to selectively watch just the
Discussions for a repo -
1. Logon to GitHub.
2. Go to https://github.com/wixtoolset/issues.
3. In the upper right corner, click on Watch.
4. Select Custom.
5. Select Discussions.
6. Click Apply.

I haven't tried to respond to a discussion by email yet, but other parts of
GitHub do let you do that so that should work.

The Discussions feature is still a beta feature for GitHub, so for those of
us watching the entire repo there's no way today to tell the difference
between an issue notification email and a discussion notification email.

On Thu, Dec 3, 2020 at 12:19 PM Rob Mensching via wix-users <
wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org> wrote:

> Edwin, I'm struggling with the *exact same @#$%! thing* at the moment. I
> seem to get email notifications if someone responds to me but don't get
> notifications to all new items.
> The "notification stream workflow" (exactly what you describe below) is
> why GitHub Discussions is an experiment. If it won't fit, then I have
> another experiment in mind.
> But first to give the beta GitHub Discussions a good run out and see how
> it changes.
> ----
> Short replies here. Complete answers here:
> https://www.firegiant.com/services/
> From: Edwin Castro <egcastr at gmail.com>
> Sent: Thursday, December 3, 2020 9:57 AM
> To: WiX Toolset Users Mailing List <wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org>
> Cc: Rob Mensching <rob at firegiant.com>
> Subject: Re: [wix-users] WiX Toolset Discussions experiment on GitHub
> I'm not familiar with GitHub Discussions. Is there a way to get
> notifications of posts sent to email?
> Effectively, I'd like to recreate the email stream provided by the mailing
> list. In an ideal world, I'd be able to respond to a discussion by replying
> to email.
> [rant]Needing to remember to go to some site other than email to check for
> new posts and possibly respond to them will likely not happen. I already
> only check email sporadically but I work out of my email inbox. Moving that
> workflow out of email does not improve effectiveness for folks that still
> work primarily with a keyboard and mouse. I suspect smartphone notification
> is the new email but I don't work out of my phone. The phone is not a
> proper replacement for a keyboard and mouse. I need notifications where I
> work. I'm getting old.[/rant]
> --
> Edwin G. Castro
> On Wed, Nov 25, 2020 at 2:21 PM Rob Mensching via wix-users <
> wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org<mailto:wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org>>
> wrote:
> We're starting an experiment using Discussions as a place to talk about
> the WiX Toolset: https://github.com/wixtoolset/issues/discussions
> If the experiment goes well, we will likely decommission this wix-users
> mailing list. If the experiment does not go well, we'll probably delete the
> content there. So, don't write down your life's work there. It may not last.
> You're welcome to join the experiment, if you like. We'll see how it goes.
> ---
> Short replies here. Complete answers here:
> https://www.firegiant.com/services/
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