[wix-users] Wix Source code Building Errors

Sebastian, ChinchuX chinchux.sebastian at intel.com
Mon Jan 21 00:34:25 PST 2019

Hi Team,
I am trying to build the source code of wix3-wix3111rtm.
I am able to run the command  MSBuild tools\OneTimeWixBuildInitialization.proj on x86 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2017 successfully.
But when I tried to build the wix3-wix3111rtm\src\Wix.sln on Visual Studio 2017, getting errors.
My building OS is - Windows 10
Visual Studio details - Microsoft Visual Studio 2017(Version 15.9.5)
Attaching the error details as Source_code_building_output.txt

Expecting your help to solve the issue.
Thanks in advance

Thanks & Regards,

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