[wix-users] File Path Issue in Light Command

Ven H venh.123 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 16 05:21:52 PST 2019

Thanks a lot for the prompt response, Edwin. Ideally, the path of a file
referred in WXS should be relative to the WXS file and not the .wixproj
file, right? This is what I read in many blogs / forums. So, is this a bug
of the WiX Visual Studio template or target or something?

On Mon, Dec 16, 2019 at 6:19 PM Edwin Castro <egcastr at gmail.com> wrote:

> My guess is that candle/light are run from the project directory within
> Visual Studio. When candle/light are run directly they must be run from the
> Content directory. To replicate the behavior seen in Visual Studio try
> running candle/light from the project directory instead of the Content
> directory.
> --
> Edwin G. Castro
> On Mon, Dec 16, 2019, 02:27 Ven H via wix-users <
> wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org> wrote:
>> I have a WiX Setup Project in Visual Studio. It has a folder called
>> Content. This folder has all the WXS files, including the Product,
>> LicenseAgreement etc. It also has the License.rtf file. The
>> LicenseAgreement.wxs has a reference to License.rtf. Even though both are
>> inside Content folder, Visual Studio throws error (in light command) if I
>> don't give the path to License.rtf as Content\License.rtf. I am not able
>> to
>> understand this.
>> If I run it directly (not from Visual Studio) using WiX Commands like
>> Candle, Light etc, it works if the path is simply "License.rtf" and not
>> "Content\License.rtf". This is weird.
>> In short, LicenseAgreement.wxs is inside Content folder and so is
>> License.rtf.
>> But for this to work from Visual Studio, I need to specify
>> "Content\License.rtf" as path in LicenseAgreement.wxs
>> But using direct WiX command, I need to specify "License.rtf" as path in
>> LicenseAgreement.wxs.
>> Can anyone please help me with this?
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