[wix-users] Viewing msi table

Farrukh Waheed farrukh1 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 9 07:04:01 PDT 2019

Here is a small hack, but with only installed products:
Go to
regkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData.
and search for your product name. You might get something like (see
attached png):
For example (as shown in screenshot), I searched for Inkscape  and I
Now look for subkey "Local Package" and there you'll find the cached msi
file path something like "C:\Windows\Installer\*26e5712b.msi*". You can use
orca to see its table structure while carefully create a copy of this to
avoid damaging your existing installation as this is used in upgrading,
patching etc.

I'm not sure if Installshield also caches its msi's in same way, but as
this msi is microsoft's standard, so you might find same

On Thu, 8 Aug 2019 at 18:16, Nir Bar via wix-users <
wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org> wrote:

> You can execute the InstallShield exe with log file like this:
> setup.exe /v"/l*v %TEMPT%\msi.log"
> While the UI is open, open the log file and find where the MSI is located.
> Then, copy the MSI and close the UI.
> --
> Nir Bar
> WiX Expert
> ---- On Thu, 08 Aug 2019 15:27:37 +0300 balachander s <
> connecttobalachander at gmail.com> wrote ----
> No it was not developed using wix but Installshield. Im left only with exe
> file.
> So can we find embedded MSI only in ProgramData folder . Or shall we use
> any methods or tools for this purpose
> On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 3:25 PM Nir Bar <mailto:nir.bar at panel-sw.com>
> wrote:
> You can extract the MSI from the wrapping EXE.
> if the EXE was developed using WiX, use dark.exe
> Otherwise, usually the embedded MSI is extracted to a random subfolder of
> %TEMP%, or to C:\ProgramData\...
> --
> Nir Bar
> WiX Expert
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