[wix-users] Error DARK0182 using dark.exe

Colin Dawson (Astronutter) c.j.dawson76 at gmail.com
Thu May 10 02:48:49 PDT 2018

I wonder if that’s deliberate on the part of installshield.  Just looking as the name ISDRMFile.  Or to break it apart. IS DRM File meaning it’s their proprietary DRM that they don’t want people taking apart.   It’s purpose being to break things that try to decompile MSI files.    Just a guess and I’m sure you are hoping that I’m wrong (I usually am)


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> On 10 May 2018, at 06:21, Satyanarayana Reddy Gopu via wix-users <wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there any way to resolve this issue reported by *Shintaro*.
> I am also trying to decompile my msi (installer type is CD ROM) which is
> created by InstallShield 2015 but getting the same error with some warning
> messages.
> dark.exe : error DARK0182 : Cannot find the table definitions for the
> 'ISDRMFile' table.  This is likely due to a typing error or missing
> extension.  Please ensure all the necessary extensions are sup
> plied on the command line with the -ext parameter.
> Regards,
> reddygopu
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