[wix-users] DTF does not maintain the directories when adding a file as content to the Custom Action Project

Christopher Painter chrpai at iswix.com
Thu Mar 8 04:35:12 PST 2018

I'd have to test this but I'm pretty sure it used to work.  This is how I managed to bring trees of resources along for the ride when InstallShields ISSetupFile table could only express files in one folder.

From: wix-users <wix-users-bounces at lists.wixtoolset.org> on behalf of Jamie Ooms via wix-users <wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org>
Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2018 4:07 AM
To: wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org
Cc: Jamie Ooms
Subject: [wix-users] DTF does not maintain the directories when adding a file as content to the Custom Action Project


I have used this suggestion:

"In Visual Studio, using the solution explorer,  you can right click your project and tell it to Add | Existing Item

Change the file filter to *.* and select your file.  You'll see the file get added to your project.  Click on it and then make sure the Build Action property is set to Content and the Copy to Output Directory property is set to Copy Always.

This will cause DTF to package that file into your foo.CA.dll.   At runtime the hosting model will automatically extract this file and clean it up when the CA is done executing. "

The problem is when a file is located in a folder, that folder is not extracted to the C:\Windows\Installer\MSI27DC.tmp- folder.
The file is extracted directly underneath that folder. At this moment my workaround is to zip the folders and files and them extract them in my custom action.
Is there a way to include the directory structure without the need to create a zip?

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