[wix-users] ExecuteOnInstall and RollbackOnUninstall attributes on SqlScript

Nir Bar nir.bar at panel-sw.com
Sat Mar 3 23:35:41 PST 2018

WiX doesn't figure out what changes are made by a script. It just executes the scripts when you tell it to.
RollbackUninstall script will be executed when an uninstall is rolled back. That is, when uninstall is cancelled or failed.

If you want to delete the database on uninstall, add a script to do it and schedule it on uninstall.
Then, if uninstall fails or cancelled after then uninstall script has run, the uninstall-rollback will be executed

Nir Bar, Independent WiX Expert. Creator of-
JetBA: WiX WPF Bootstrapper User Interface Framework

JetBA++: WiX Native Bootstrapper User Interface Framework

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