[wix-users] Installing using WixUI_Advanced dialog set only overwrites a perUser installation not perMachine

Suhaib Ahmad a.suhaib.47 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 22 23:17:43 PST 2018

I have now added this line below:

<Property Id="ALLUSERS" Value="2" />

Now, i can only overwrite the perMachine installation and not the perUser

On 23 January 2018 at 12:24, Suhaib Ahmad <a.suhaib.47 at gmail.com> wrote:

> I am using a WixUI_Advanced dialog set to install my application, which
> allows to select the install scope as perUser (default radio button) or as
> perMachine. The old installer used was a VS Setup project that also allowed
> users to choose between perUser and perMachine.
> Both the old setup installer and the new WiX installer have the same
> *UpgradeCode*.
> The problem I am facing is that when the previous application is installed
> in perMachine scope, I cannot overwrite it using perMachine in the new WIX
> installer. However, when the previous application is installed in perUser
> scope, it IS INDEED overwritten by the newly installed one.
> I am frustrated by this as I was using the WixUI_InstallDir dialog set
> initially and I could overwrite the perMachine scope installation, but not
> the perUser scope. Now I am facing the opposite using the WixUI_Advanced
> dialog set.
> I have set the default selection as perUser using the WixAppFolder
> property:
> <Property Id="WixAppFolder" Value="WixPerUserFolder" />
>> <UIRef Id="WixUI_Advanced" />
> Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks

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