[wix-users] WiX Installer hangs intermittently while executing custom action

Russell Haley russ.haley at gmail.com
Wed Feb 14 21:06:49 PST 2018


Have you tried running the installer with logging on?

On Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 7:21 PM, Rishabh Verma via wix-users
<wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org> wrote:
> Folks,
> It has been observed that running a WiX installer with a custom action is getting stuck once in a while executing custom action. Based on the analysis, the machines in which this issue occurred had not been restarted for 8-9 days. We analyzed the wait chain and found that msiexec was waiting for rundll32.exe. On killing rundll32.exe, the setup rolled back. Any pointers to get around this issue would be great as we are about to release this to customer
> Thanks,
> Rishabh
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