[wix-users] Include (or not) files based in Build Configuration

Edwin Castro egcastr at gmail.com
Thu Apr 26 12:06:36 PDT 2018

Are the Debug and Releae PackageGroups defined in the same Fragment? If so,
then they are both included anytime one of them is referenced.

Ensure the Debug PackageGroup is defined in its own Fragment and the
Release PackageGroup is defined in a different Fragment. Similarly, any
other references should be separated into appropriate Fragments so they are
included only if actually referenced.

Edwin G. Castro

On Thu, Apr 26, 2018 at 10:58 AM, Carlos Sosa via wix-users <
wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org> wrote:

> Hello I'm creating a bundle that works well, however the components are
> really large, the total Installer is about  MB.
> Since we do not want to copy all the files, all the time due to the space
> they use in our build server (bamboo) I'm trying to create a condition to
> only add these if Configuration = Release.
> I tried this:
> <Chain>
>       <?if $(var.Configuration) = Debug ?>
>       <!-- DEBUG ONLY -->
>       <PackageGroupRef Id="Debug"/>
>       <!-- END DEBUG ONLY -->
>       <?else?>
>       <!-- RELEASE ONLY -->
>       <PackageGroupRef Id="Release"/>
>       <!-- END RELEASE ONLY -->
>       <?endif?>
> </Chain>
> This installs only the packages in its corresponding group (good) BUT IT
> INCLUDES ALL of the files in the installer leaving it the same size.
> Is there a way to not include the "extra" files when in Debug?
> Any direction is appreciated.
> Best.
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