[wix-users] Pass Control Values through Silent Installation

Ven H venh.123 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 24 21:44:55 PDT 2018

I have built an MSI with UI dialogs. In one of the dialogs, I capture the
path for installation which has a default value, but is configurable and in
another dialog, I have a list of check boxes for selecting features to be
installed. By default, these check boxes are checked. Hence all (right now
2) the features get installed.

But now, I have a requirement to perform silent installation using the same
MSI. I use the following command.

msiexec /qn /i <MsiName.msi> /l*vs MsiLog.log ADDLOCAL=Feature1

Through the silent installation, I need to install only one feature. But
since in the UI dialog for feature selection, all the feature check boxes
are checked, it seems to be installing all the features instead on Feature1
passed through the command. How can I achieve my requirement?

Also, the path for installation which is captured through a control also
needs to be passed through the command. Is it possible to pass control
values through silent installation?

Can anyone please help?

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