[wix-users] CustomAction returned actual error code 1619

Miaohsi Wang Miaohsi.Wang at schneider-electric.com
Thu Sep 28 11:37:18 PDT 2017

Dear Support,

We are trying to launch a 3rd-party install program using a custom action in the product install UI sequence but it fails with error 1619 if I start the product install through its setup.exe. However, if I open a DOS window with administrator privileges and launch the product install MSI with msiexec.exe, it works fine. Below is the custom action definition. Any idea?

Thanks a lot,

<CustomAction Id="InstallLicensingx64" BinaryKey="MSIEXEC.EXE" ExeCommand="/i "[SourceDir]Portal64\Licensing10Apps-VC12x64.msi" /qn /norestart" Execute="immediate" Return="ignore" />

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