[wix-users] Intermittent failed installation - Insufficient Privileges

Justin Cox cox.justin.a at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 13:33:30 PST 2017

Do you have any sort of HBSS or HIPS?  They are notorious for causing these
types of intermittent/arbitrary permissions issues.

On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 12:55 PM Vincent Beausoleil <vbeausoleil at landr.com>

> Hello,
> Here is my current setup:
> WiX Version:
> Wix 3.10
> .NET Version: .NET 4.5.1
> Visual Studio:
> VS 2013 x86
> Package running on: Windows Server 2012 Standard
> I am deploying my MSI installer through a continuous delivery server. The
> installation takes place on a server where the deployed application is
> already running. The installer stops the application service then attempts
> to access the app directory under C:\Program Files (x86)\(my application
> path) but about 10% of the deployments fail due to insufficient privileges
> on that specific path. On an hypothetical batch of 30 servers 2 will fail
> while the next deployment could take place without issue. The intermittent
> nature of this issue is driving me crazy.
> When this occurs, I launch a new deployment for the affected servers and
> it succeeds. The user account under which the installation takes place is
> NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM and I confirmed that this account has full control over
> the relevant directory. The failures aren’t limited to specific servers and
> the affected servers aren’t any different from the servers where the
> installation is successful.
> I’m giving this mailing list a shot since after looking around, I found
> other cases of WiX users having the same intermittent “insufficient
> privileges” issue, but no word on wether or not it’s a known issue.
> Thanks,
> V Beausoleil
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