[wix-users] Major Upgrade not Working - FileVersion vs ProductVersion

Edwin Castro egcastr at gmail.com
Tue Dec 12 12:58:10 PST 2017

This definitely makes sense. Windows Installer uses FILEVERSION to
determine the keyfile's version.

Edwin G. Castro

On Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 11:05 AM, Kevin G. Joback via wix-users <
wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org> wrote:

> As stated previously my situation was that I had created an installer to
> perform a major upgrade. The installer would remove the old version's files
> but did not install the new version's files. When I reran the installer and
> performed a repair, everything worked as expected.
> Following suggestions, I looked through the msi's log file and found the
> following line:
> "Disallowing installation of component: {guid} since the same component
> with
> higher versioned keyfile exists"
> I thought my new version's "keyfile" had a newer version but I was wrong.
> We
> use Visual Studio with C++/MFC to develop our applications. The
> application's exe (the keyfile) has a VERSION resource that has a
> key was larger than the old version, however, the new version's FILEVERSION
> key was smaller than the old version. When I made both new versions greater
> than both old versions the upgrade worked as expected.
> Questions: I will test this answer further but does this make sense? Which
> "version" (FILEVERSION or PRODUCTVERSION) is used to determine the
> keyfile's
> version?
> Thank you,
> Kevin
> Kevin G. Joback, PhD
> Molecular Knowledge Systems, Inc.
>  <http://www.molecularknowledge.com/> http://www.molecularknowledge.com
> Phone: 1-603-472-5315 (USA GMT-4:00)
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