[wix-users] Patch Creation Steps

Ven H venh.123 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 1 09:21:57 PST 2017


I am really sorry to be asking this question again, as I am new to WiX and
I am not getting much help with Patch creation. I am currently following
the below link to create a Patch.


 If I follow it exactly like, <File Id="SampleFile" Name="Sample.txt"
Source=".\$(var.Version)\Sample.txt" />, the patch gets created. So,
basically, in this case, the Sample.txt file has to be inside 1.0 and 1.1
with different content for the patch to get created. In my case, I cannot
strictly follow this approach. My Sample.txt could be in a different folder
with different content (say, Test/Sample.txt for version 1.0 and
TestPatch/Sample.txt for version 1.1). But in this case, the Pyro command
throws Object Reference error. I am finding it really difficult to debug
this. So, are there any predefined folder structures to be followed for
enabling patch creation? Please help.


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