[wix-users] Update files with older or missing version details

Farrukh Waheed farrukh1 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 25 22:42:46 PDT 2017

Windows Installer Service look for Versions while updating older ones. If
files got no version then their date:time would be used to figure-out the
update scenario.
I never faced any situation in which an unversioned file is being replaced
with versioned file. But I guess, unversioned would be replaced by the
versioned one.

Many things may also depend upon how your installers/patches/merge modules
were designed...

On 26 April 2017 at 05:00, Nick Elmer <Nick.Elmer at veritas.com> wrote:

> I am looking for input on how others deal with minor patches or upgrades
> where third parties have provided SDK contents that have older or even
> missing file version details. We have ran into this a few times and it is
> really difficult to get MSI to overwrite a file that was versioned with an
> unversioned file during a patch!
> There are three scenarios I am trying to overcome.
> 1.      Merge module provided replaces a previous merge module. An
> internal file has lost its version.
> 2.      An SDK was provided that we consume. In the previous version there
> were newer files than the version being patched.
> 3.      Same SDK has files that were previously versioned, and now the
> files are no longer versioned.
> Curious as to how others overcome similar issues. Adding the files to the
> RemoveFile table results in them getting removed, but the new files do not
> get reinstalled since their install state is already installed. A companion
> file seems like a viable choice, but that requires creating a new binary
> for every scenario where this happens. The companion file does not seem to
> help scenario 1 though.
> Thanks in advance,
> Nick
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