[wix-users] Update files with older or missing version details

Nick Elmer Nick.Elmer at veritas.com
Tue Apr 25 17:00:39 PDT 2017

I am looking for input on how others deal with minor patches or upgrades where third parties have provided SDK contents that have older or even missing file version details. We have ran into this a few times and it is really difficult to get MSI to overwrite a file that was versioned with an unversioned file during a patch!

There are three scenarios I am trying to overcome.

1.      Merge module provided replaces a previous merge module. An internal file has lost its version.

2.      An SDK was provided that we consume. In the previous version there were newer files than the version being patched.

3.      Same SDK has files that were previously versioned, and now the files are no longer versioned.

Curious as to how others overcome similar issues. Adding the files to the RemoveFile table results in them getting removed, but the new files do not get reinstalled since their install state is already installed. A companion file seems like a viable choice, but that requires creating a new binary for every scenario where this happens. The companion file does not seem to help scenario 1 though.

Thanks in advance,

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