[wix-users] How to Update existing configuration

Carlos Sosa carlos.sosa.us at outlook.com
Tue Apr 25 16:03:44 PDT 2017

Hello WIX community, I have a xml configuration file as follows:

        Permanent="yes" Don't remove the file
        NeverOverwrite="yes" Don't write the file if it already exists
    <ComponentGroup Id="ExeConfig" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" >
      <Component Id="MyCompany.MyProgram.exe.config" Guid ="*" Permanent="yes" NeverOverwrite="yes">
        <File Name="MyCompany.MyProgram.exe.config" Source="$(var.MyProgram.TargetPath).config" KeyPath="yes"/>

We added a couple of settings to it, how can I add the 2 settings to the "old" xml during upgrade?
I need to preserve the setting for the previous version, what would the best route to accomplish this be?

Best Regards.

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