[wix-users] Signing a bundle

Stewart Lynch stewartlynch8 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 12 14:00:27 PDT 2016

(answering my own mail) I think I've worked it out:


1.       Added <PropertyGroup><SignOutput>true</SignOutput></PropertyGroup>
to my msi installer .wixproj file

2.       I added the <Target Name="SignMsi">. as described in the link to my
msi installer .wixproj file

3.       Use the /f option in signtool.exe to pass in the path to my pfx
file and /p for the password, and /t for the timestamp url

4.       Added <PropertyGroup><SignOutput>true</SignOutput></PropertyGroup>
to my bundle .wixproj file

5.       Added <Target Name="SignBundleEngine"> and <Target
Name="SignBundle"> to my bundle .wixproj file as described in the link

6.       Again, passing in the same arguments to signtool.exe


Let me know if I've missed anything.


It would be really helpful if the link mentioned the SignOutput property. It
would also be really nice if a future version of Wix integrated this into
the visual studio properties (took me a while to realise I had to edit the
wixproj my hand).





From: Stewart Lynch [mailto:stewartlynch8 at gmail.com] 
Sent: 12 June 2016 20:21
To: wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org
Subject: Signing a bundle




I have built an msi and a bundle that wraps that msi. I now want to sign the
exe. Do I need to sign both the msi and the bundle exe, or just the bundle
exe? Also, are there any instructions on how to go about signing them?


I have obtained a certificate from Comodo and exported my certificate and
private key to a .pfx file, and I'm really not sure what to do next. Any
help or links to information would be really appreciated.


I found this:


but that talks about external cabs. I'm not sure what an external cab is or
if I have one. It also doesn't mention a pfx file, I thought it would have
to point to that, or maybe I'm misunderstanding?


Thanks for any help,





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