[wix-users] New Files in WiX installation causing Error 1334

Lemke, Brian (GE Healthcare) Brian.Lemke at ge.com
Mon Jun 27 08:14:14 PDT 2016

I have an multple instance installation written using WiX 3.10 that has 12,000 files in it. All files have their own components and all components (wrapped in component groups) are under one feature. We are now on to producing the first patch. We can succesfully patch an installed instance with file updates. However we have run into a problem when adding files. When we install the patch the installer throws "Error 1334. The file 'MyAddFile' cannot be installed because the file cannot be found in cabinet file 'RTM.cab'."

We create the patch using PureWiX style and the patch file can be found below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">
  <Patch AllowRemoval="yes" Manufacturer="Acme Corporation" MoreInfoURL="http://www.acmecom/support" DisplayName="Patch" Description="2016.2.0.0" Classification="Update">
    <Media Id="5000" Cabinet="RTM.cab" CompressionLevel="high">
      <PatchBaseline Id="RTM">
        <Validate ProductId="no" UpgradeCode="no"/>
    <TargetProductCodes Replace="no">
            <TargetProductCode Id="{76D1BE1A-6217-4607-9CAA-DC58338FDE69}" />
    <PatchFamily Id="SamplePatchFamily" Version=""  Supersede="yes">
      <PropertyRef Id="ProductVersion" />
All files were added to the new version of the MSI package similar to the following MSI line. For which that installs just fine.

<Component Id="cmpE58E768F12430AB0D2A40167100E6467" Directory="dirC40A3BC256AB4ED4C3E63EA833F6E6C8" MultiInstance="yes" Guid="{9901E915-868B-4BAA-8CBD-DC7AE62B0DDF}">
    <File Id="MyAddFile" KeyPath="yes" Source="$(var.HelpDirectory)\SomeHelp.TXT" PatchGroup="1" />
When we look in ORCA and apply the patch to it, the file table seems to be off. All the files that are added as part of the patch have a sequence of "1". Which seems wrong to me.

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