[wix-users] WiX Bundle major upgrade randomly produces 'Error 1923 Service could not be installed error"

Fenstad, Darrel B Darrel.Fenstad at UNISYS.com
Sat Aug 27 09:35:39 PDT 2016


I am looking for some help with an error that occurs when installing a major upgrade with WiX. I am not sure it is related to WiX, but I thought I’d start here for some help. The error happens on a random basis (i.e., not  every upgrade I perform).

The error is reported in a popup dialog as follows with a Retry or Cancel button:

Service ‘OS 2200 SMC WMI Provider’ (OS2200SmcWmi) could not be installed.

Verify that you have sufficient privileges to install the system services.

In the .msi.log file I see the error reported as ‘Error 1923’.

MSI (s) (14:E4) [11:07:48:034]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=InstallServices,Description=Installing new services,Template=Service: [2])

MSI (s) (14:E4) [11:07:48:034]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=1,Type=1,ByteEquivalent=1300000)

MSI (s) (14:E4) [11:07:48:034]: Executing op: ServiceInstall(Name=OS2200SmcWmi,DisplayName=OS 2200 SMC WMI Provider,ImagePath="C:\Program Files\Unisys\OS 2200 Server Management Control\Bin\SmcWmiService.exe",ServiceType=16,StartType=2,ErrorControl=32769,,Dependencies=[~],,StartName=.\UnisysSmcLvsr6,Password=**********,Description=A WMI Provider that interfaces with the OS 2200 Server Management Control (SMC) service for managing OS 2200 partitions.,,)

MSI (s) (14:E4) [11:07:50:316]: Product: OS 2200 Server Management Control Windows Services -- Error 1923. Service 'OS 2200 SMC WMI Provider' (OS2200SmcWmi) could not be installed.  Verify that you have sufficient privileges to install system services.

MSI (s) (14:E4) [11:07:51:019]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=ExecSecureObjects,,)

Error 1923. Service 'OS 2200 SMC WMI Provider' (OS2200SmcWmi) could not be installed.  Verify that you have sufficient privileges to install system services.

MSI (s) (14:E4) [11:07:51:019]: Executing op: CustomActionSchedule(Action=ExecSecureObjects,ActionType=3073,Source=BinaryData,Target=ExecSecureObjects,CustomActionData=C:\ProgramData\Unisys\OS 2200 Server Management Control\€CreateFolder€€Administrators€268435456€C:\ProgramData\Unisys\OS 2200 Server Management Control\€CreateFolder€€Sentinel Administrators€268435456€C:\ProgramData\Unisys\OS 2200 Server Management Control\€CreateFolder€€UnisysSmcLvsr6€268435456€C:\ProgramData\Unisys\OS 2200 Server Management Control\€CreateFolder€€Everyone€-1610612736)

MSI (s) (14:D0) [11:07:51:019]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\Installer\MSI5A4.tmp, Entrypoint: ExecSecureObjects

In the Window Application Event Log, the same thing:

Product: OS 2200 Server Management Control Windows Services -- Error 1923. Service 'OS 2200 SMC WMI Provider' (OS2200SmcWmi) could not be installed.  Verify that you have sufficient privileges to install system services.

I don’t think it has anything to do with permissions because my WiX bundle installs fine the first time and only random major upgrades produce this error. Browsing online about this error I could not find any threads talking about this error being random.

It does not matter if I click Retry or Cancel (or the [X] button to cancel) the pop up dialog, the WiX bundle continues on and actually installs the upgrade (verified by checking the file version of the .exe installed).

My WiX code for installing the service is as follows:

        <Component Id="SmcWmiService" Win64="yes" Guid="466A30A6-35F3-48D0-979D-6793F55B7589">

          <File Id="SmcWmiService.exe" Source="$(var.SmcSolutionOutput)/SmcWmiService.exe" KeyPath="yes"/>
          <ServiceInstall Id="SmcWmiServiceInstall"
                          Interactive ="no"
            <util:ServiceConfig FirstFailureActionType="restart"
          <ServiceControl Id="SmcWmiServiceControl"
                          Wait="no" />

I am installing 3 other services and they never get a pop up – just this one service. When I get the pop up, I can see in Windows Explorer that the ‘SmcWmiService.exe’ file is installed (the correct file version is installed for the upgrade).

Any help would be appreciated.



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