[wix-users] WIX 3.10: How to create a service referencing a file in a different component ?

Gary M garym at oedata.com
Tue Apr 12 21:23:24 PDT 2016

I'm trying to create a windows service in WIX 3.10 using a file installed
by another component. I want to us the installed file in the service and
not have to specify the source location.

The component where the file resides is generated in a build process by
heat harvesting about 1200 files into wxs file, so manual editing not an

I've tried failed option:

        <DirectoryRef Id="INSTALL_DIR">
          <Directory Id="APP.SDIR" Name="$(var.APP.SDIR)">
            <Directory Id="PARSER.SDIR" Name="$(var.PARSER.SDIR)">
                <Component Id="create.PARSER.SERVICE" Guid="GUID" >
                          <File Id="PARSER.SERVICE.IMG"
Name="$(var.SVC.PARSER.IMG)" KeyPath='no'/>

This returns a link error:

    error LGHT0103 : The system cannot find the file

Suggestions ?


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