[wix-users] [WIX] MSI File overwrite confirmation is not happening

MANO MANO mano.n.s75 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 27 04:13:09 PST 2015

checkout the command line arguments of xcopy.

*xcopy *with* /y *means "*Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to
overwrite an existing destination file.*"

On Fri, Nov 27, 2015 at 5:22 PM, Dileep S <dileep.sanampudi at gmail.com>

> I have created MSI package using WIX 3.7.
> Compiling wix script using visual studio 2010.
> I used the following command in .wixproj file to copy from the WIX project
> bin folder to another location.
>   <PropertyGroup>
>     <PostBuildEvent>xcopy /y "!(TargetPath)" "$(MSIPath)\"</PostBuildEvent>
>   </PropertyGroup>
> (MSIPath is another location in system)
> Using the above command, MSI file is copied from WIX bin folder to desired
> location. But, it is not asking confirmation if file is already exist with
> same name.
> Can any one help on this.
> Regards,
> Dileep
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