[wix-users] [WIX] MSI File overwrite confirmation is not happening

Dileep S dileep.sanampudi at gmail.com
Fri Nov 27 03:52:28 PST 2015

I have created MSI package using WIX 3.7.
Compiling wix script using visual studio 2010.

I used the following command in .wixproj file to copy from the WIX project
bin folder to another location.
    <PostBuildEvent>xcopy /y "!(TargetPath)" "$(MSIPath)\"</PostBuildEvent>

(MSIPath is another location in system)

Using the above command, MSI file is copied from WIX bin folder to desired
location. But, it is not asking confirmation if file is already exist with
same name.

Can any one help on this.


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