[wix-devs] 3816 - Add variable and absolute path functionality to Bundle/Log element

Hoover, Jacob Jacob.Hoover at greenheck.com
Fri Jun 26 06:18:26 PDT 2020

Could introduce a  Log/@PrefixFormatted YesNoType with a default of no, if we really wanted to avoid breaking things.  The problem becomes differentiating between path's with []'s and an actual variable. Would the intent be to parse the value, looking for possible variables, and only resolve them if the variables exist, otherwise leave them as is?  What about secure vars?

From: wix-devs [mailto:wix-devs-bounces at lists.wixtoolset.org] On Behalf Of Sean Hall via wix-devs
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2020 9:17 PM
To: WiX Toolset Developer Mailing List <wix-devs at lists.wixtoolset.org>
Cc: Sean Hall <r.sean.hall at gmail.com>
Subject: [wix-devs] 3816 - Add variable and absolute path functionality to Bundle/Log element

I feel like implementing https://github.com/wixtoolset/issues/issues/3816<https://github.com/wixtoolset/issues/issues/3816> would
technically be a breaking change. People could have been relying on the
Prefix not being formatted. Unless we don't want to use the Prefix
attribute for this?
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