[wix-devs] Dtf repository MakeSfxCA and SfxCa tools

Sean Hall r.sean.hall at gmail.com
Thu Jun 4 14:59:13 PDT 2020

That doesn't sound right. All of the SfxCA and MakeSfxCA files were already
in the Dtf repo, you shouldn't have needed to copy them - just update them
in place.

You'd have to check https://github.com/wixtoolset/wix4/tree/develop/test to
see if we had any tests around this. Ideally you would be able to create a
test project in the Dtf repo and at least write a test that the managed CA
dll can be built with MakeSfxCA (maybe just try to build the sample?). The
existing tests in the Dtf repo are the folders that start with
WixToolsetTests in https://github.com/wixtoolset/Dtf/tree/master/src.

MSBuild integration means that you're not calling MakeSfxCA directly,
you're using an MSBuild project that eventually loads wix.ca.targets which
has the logic of calling MakeSfxCA. Based on the code snippet you gave,
you're not using the MSBuild integration.

On Fri, Jun 5, 2020 at 3:52 AM Maniglia via wix-devs <
wix-devs at lists.wixtoolset.org> wrote:

> Just a small update.
> After several attempts I am able to compile the projects.
> I started by creating a new project with platform toolset "Visual Studio
> 2017 (v141)" and
> I copied the source files for SfxCA and I did the same for MakeSfxCA.
> I did a simple test and it seems to work.
> How can I do some other tests?

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