[wix-devs] Linux changes

Rob Mensching rob at firegiant.com
Fri Jul 17 16:12:34 PDT 2020

I saw those too.

>  dotnet.exe does not support '/' for switches, even on Windows. Maybe we should remove support for it as well?

I had the same thought. I think that says, yes. :) I am planning to work on the command-line changes next (after I get the UI.wixext happy) so I'll handle that.

> Are the OS conditioned changes that I proposed something we want to do?

I'm not really excited about building WiX on Linux (nor maintaining a CI system that builds on multiple platforms). I'd rather we use VS's ability build Linux binaries so we can build everything from Windows. I'd be interested to understand where that doesn't work.

As for VS versions, we were already looking at taking a dependency on 16.6.3 (or something later than that) for the enhanced wild-card support for NuGet packages. IIRC, we also decided to cut our (dutil,wcautil,balutil) lib's support to VS2017+ which means we can build all native code from VS2019 now. 

I think that says we'll only support a recent version of VS2019 to build the WiX Toolset.

-----Original Message-----
From: wix-devs <wix-devs-bounces at lists.wixtoolset.org> On Behalf Of Sean Hall via wix-devs
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 2:42 AM
To: WiX Toolset Developer Mailing List <wix-devs at lists.wixtoolset.org>
Cc: Sean Hall <r.sean.hall at gmail.com>
Subject: [wix-devs] Linux changes

We have a couple of PRs to start supporting Linux -
https://github.com/wixtoolset/Tools/pull/44 and https://github.com/wixtoolset/Core/pull/165.

dotnet.exe does not support '/' for switches, even on Windows. Maybe we should remove support for it as well?

v3 had a very complicated build system to try to support building WiX with many different versions of VS. How flexible are we going to try to be in v4? Are the OS conditioned changes that I proposed something we want to do?

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