[wix-users] Custom action fails to create (& start) eclipse mosquitto broker service during Upgrade but works well on initial install and uninstall of the parent application
Om Sharma
Om.Sharma at domino-uk.com
Tue May 14 09:29:23 PDT 2024
Following is the code segment that I have for wix 4 installer
<!-- The parent application. windows 10 desktop x64 -->
Product.wsx :
<!-- the parent (main) product that wiil be installed -->
<Wix xmlns="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs"
<?define SourceFolder="$(var.SolutionDir)bin"?>
<Package --- >
<ComponentGroup Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Id="UniqueId">
<Component Id="CompId1" Guid="uniqueGuid">
<File Id="IdFile1" Source="$(var.SourceFolder)\file1" KeyPath="yes" Checksum="yes" />
<Component Id="CompId2" Guid="uniqueGuid">
<File Id="IdFile1" Source="$(var.SourceFolder)\file2" KeyPath="yes" Checksum="yes" />
<Feature Id="FeatureuniqueId" Title="the title" Level="1" AllowAdvertise="no" AllowAbsent="no">
<ComponentGroupRef Id="CompId1" />
<!-- include the eclipse mosquitto as a separate feature defined in EclipseMosquitto.wsx-->
<FeatureRef Id = "EclipseMosquittoFeature" />
<ComponentGroupRef Id="CompId2" />
<!-- Optional install of eclipse mosquitto broker files-->
EclipseMosquitto.wsx :
<Wix xmlns="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs">
<Property Id="SCEXEFILE">
<DirectorySearch Id="FolderPathForScFile" Path="[System64Folder]">
<FileSearch Name="sc.exe" />
<CustomAction Id="StartMosquitto"
ExeCommand="start mosquitto" />
<CustomAction Id="StopMosquitto"
ExeCommand="stop mosquitto" />
<CustomAction Id="InstallMosquitto"
ExeCommand="install" />
<CustomAction Id="UnInstallMosquitto"
ExeCommand="uninstall" />
<Custom Action="InstallMosquitto" After="StartServices" Condition="(INSTALLECLIPSEMOSQUITTO=1) AND (NOT Installed)" />
<Custom Action="StartMosquitto" After="StartServices" Condition="(INSTALLECLIPSEMOSQUITTO=1) AND (NOT Installed)" />
<Custom Action="StopMosquitto" Before="InstallInitialize" Condition="(INSTALLECLIPSEMOSQUITTO=1) AND (Installed) AND (REMOVE~="ALL")" />
<Custom Action="UnInstallMosquitto" Before="InstallInitialize" Condition="(INSTALLECLIPSEMOSQUITTO=1) AND (Installed) AND (REMOVE~="ALL")" />
<ComponentGroup Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Id="EclipseMosquittoGrp">
<Component Id="mosquitto_exe" Guid="DF631CDC-7EC5-4E8F-958B-AD2BE078251F" >
<File Id="mosquitto_exe" Source="$(var.mosquittoResources)\mosquitto.exe" KeyPath="yes" Checksum="yes" />
<!-- Include eclipse mosquitto files defined in this feature only when user has ticked the checkbox -->
<Feature Id="EclipseMosquittoFeature" Title="Eclipse Mosquitto Broker" Level="0" AllowAdvertise="no" AllowAbsent="no">
<ComponentGroupRef Id="EclipseMosquittoGrp" />
<Level Condition="(INSTALLECLIPSEMOSQUITTO=1)" Value="1"/>
Notes :
1) Running on windows 10 : x64
2) INSTALLECLIPSEMOSQUITTO property is set to 1 if the user ticks the checkbox in the UI
3) On install eclipse mosquitto service gets created & started. Also the application installed correctly
4) On uninstall mosquitto service get stopped and service deleted and the application uninstall correctly
Problem :
To test the major upgrade
I increement the version number in the Package element in product.wsx and in the Bundle element in Bundle.wsx
The upgrade fails at StartMosquitto Custom Action
If I test this with Commented line
<Custom Action="StartMosquitto" ..../>
in the InstallExecuteSequence the upgrade is successful
This ment Action="InstallMosquitto" is failing.
So after the successful upgrade I manually ran the following command
mosquitto.exe install
to install the mosquitto service and then
sc start mosquitto
to start the mosquitto service
and all works good
Any idea why is the InstallMosquitto and the StartMosquitto acions failing
how to should I configure the custom action properly?
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