[wix-users] Custom action fails to create (& start) eclipse mosquitto broker service during Upgrade but works well on initial install and uninstall of the parent application

Konstantin Konstantinov ktkonstantinov at gmail.com
Sat Jun 8 01:39:54 PDT 2024


On Tue, May 14, 2024 at 6:48 PM Rob Mensching via wix-users <
wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org> wrote:

> FYI: The wix-users mailing list is deprecated. Use the GitHub Discussions (
> https://github.com/orgs/wixtoolset/discussions) instead now.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: wix-users <wix-users-bounces at lists.wixtoolset.org> On Behalf Of Om
> Sharma via wix-users
> Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2024 9:29 AM
> To: wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org
> Cc: Om Sharma <Om.Sharma at domino-uk.com>
> Subject: [wix-users] Custom action fails to create (& start) eclipse
> mosquitto broker service during Upgrade but works well on initial install
> and uninstall of the parent application
> Hi,
>  Following is the code segment that I have for wix 4 installer
> <!-- The parent application. windows 10 desktop x64 --> Product.wsx :
> <!-- the parent (main) product that wiil be installed --> <Wix xmlns="
> http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs"
>      xmlns:util="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs/util"
>      xmlns:ui="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs/ui">
>  <?define SourceFolder="$(var.SolutionDir)bin"?>
>    <Package  --- >
>         <ComponentGroup Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Id="UniqueId">
>      <Component Id="CompId1" Guid="uniqueGuid">
>              <File Id="IdFile1" Source="$(var.SourceFolder)\file1"
> KeyPath="yes" Checksum="yes" />
>              </Component>
>  <Component Id="CompId2" Guid="uniqueGuid">
>              <File Id="IdFile1" Source="$(var.SourceFolder)\file2"
> KeyPath="yes" Checksum="yes" />
>              </Component>
>      :
>         </ComponentGroup>
> <Feature Id="FeatureuniqueId" Title="the title" Level="1"
> AllowAdvertise="no" AllowAbsent="no">
> <ComponentGroupRef Id="CompId1" />
> <!-- include the eclipse mosquitto as a separate feature defined in
> EclipseMosquitto.wsx-->
> <FeatureRef Id = "EclipseMosquittoFeature" />
> <ComponentGroupRef Id="CompId2" />
>    :
> </Feature>
>              :
>              :
> </Package>
> </Wix>
> ----------------------
> <!-- Optional install of eclipse mosquitto broker files-->
> EclipseMosquitto.wsx :
> <Wix xmlns="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs">
>   <Fragment>
>    :
>  <Property Id="SCEXEFILE">
> <DirectorySearch Id="FolderPathForScFile" Path="[System64Folder]">
> <FileSearch Name="sc.exe" />
> </DirectorySearch>
>  </Property>
>  <CustomAction Id="StartMosquitto"
> Execute="immediate"
> Impersonate="no"
> Property="SCEXEFILE"
>     ExeCommand="start mosquitto" />
> <CustomAction Id="StopMosquitto"
> Execute="immediate"
> Impersonate="no"
> Property="SCEXEFILE"
>     ExeCommand="stop mosquitto" />
> <CustomAction Id="InstallMosquitto"
> Execute="immediate"
> Impersonate="no"
> FileRef="mosquitto_exe"
>     ExeCommand="install" />
> <CustomAction Id="UnInstallMosquitto"
> Execute="immediate"
> Impersonate="no"
> FileRef="mosquitto_exe"
>     ExeCommand="uninstall" />
>  <InstallExecuteSequence>
>   <Custom Action="InstallMosquitto" After="StartServices"
> Condition="(INSTALLECLIPSEMOSQUITTO=1) AND (NOT Installed)" />
>   <Custom Action="StartMosquitto" After="StartServices"
> Condition="(INSTALLECLIPSEMOSQUITTO=1) AND (NOT Installed)" />
> </InstallExecuteSequence>
>  <InstallExecuteSequence>
>   <Custom Action="StopMosquitto" Before="InstallInitialize"
> (REMOVE~="ALL")" />
>   <Custom Action="UnInstallMosquitto" Before="InstallInitialize"
> (REMOVE~="ALL")" />  </InstallExecuteSequence>
>   <ComponentGroup Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Id="EclipseMosquittoGrp">
>       :
>   <Component Id="mosquitto_exe"
> Guid="DF631CDC-7EC5-4E8F-958B-AD2BE078251F" >
>   <File Id="mosquitto_exe"
> Source="$(var.mosquittoResources)\mosquitto.exe" KeyPath="yes"
> Checksum="yes" />
>       </Component>
>   :
>   :
>    </ComponentGroup>
>      :
>  :
>  <!-- Include eclipse mosquitto files defined in this feature only when
> user has ticked the checkbox -->
>  <Feature Id="EclipseMosquittoFeature" Title="Eclipse Mosquitto Broker"
> Level="0" AllowAdvertise="no" AllowAbsent="no">
>      <ComponentGroupRef Id="EclipseMosquittoGrp" />
>      <Level Condition="(INSTALLECLIPSEMOSQUITTO=1)" Value="1"/>
>      </Feature>
>   </Fragment>
> </Wix>
> -------------------------------
> Notes  :
> ======
>   1) Running on windows 10 :  x64
>   2) INSTALLECLIPSEMOSQUITTO property is set to 1 if the user ticks the
> checkbox in the UI
>   3) On install eclipse mosquitto service gets created & started. Also the
> application installed correctly
>   4) On uninstall mosquitto service get stopped and service deleted and
> the application uninstall correctly
> Problem :
> ========
>   To test the major upgrade
>   I increement the version number in the Package element in product.wsx
> and in the Bundle element in Bundle.wsx
>   The upgrade fails at StartMosquitto Custom Action
>   If I test this with Commented line
>      <Custom Action="StartMosquitto" ..../>
> in the InstallExecuteSequence the upgrade is successful
>   This ment Action="InstallMosquitto" is failing.
>   So after the successful upgrade I manually ran the following command
>     mosquitto.exe install
>   to install the mosquitto service and then
>     sc start mosquitto
>   to start the mosquitto service
>   and all works good
>   Any idea why is the InstallMosquitto and the StartMosquitto acions
> failing
>   how to should I configure the custom action properly?
> Thanks
> Om
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