[wix-users] Not able to uninstall some exe files through wix bundle

Sai Kiran kiransai.inturi at outlook.com
Mon May 22 05:04:50 PDT 2023

Hi team,

I created a one wix bootstrapper bundle which include 2 msi & 2 exe files. While running the bundle it is installing all those 4 packages but while doing uninstall it is not uninstalling exe files. Can anyone pls help me to sort out the issue?

Those exe files are Microsoft monitoring agent & Microsoft edge webview2 runtime.

 <ExePackage SourceFile="..\..\WIX\scripts\Configure-MMA.exe" LogPathVariable="log_var" Compressed="yes" Vital="yes"  DisplayName="Microsoft Monitoring Agent" Description="Configure-MMA" />

<ExePackage SourceFile="..\..\WIX\installers\MicrosoftEdgeWebview2Setup.exe" LogPathVariable="log_var" Compressed="yes"  Vital="yes" DisplayName="msedgeWebview2" Description="Microsoft Edge WebView2" />



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