[wix-users] We cannot delete the application without restarting Windows.

k.dubailov at tradesoft.ru k.dubailov at tradesoft.ru
Tue Sep 20 02:00:22 PDT 2022

There is an error in the logs EVENT: Error
failed. System reboot required.","UIHint":16,"Data":[],"Result":0})

After Windows restart the deletion is performed successfully.


Is there a specific reason why Windows should be restarted? Are there any
specific cases when it should be done?

Are there any ways to avoid the necessity to restart Windows?


Installer wix Bundle consist of our installer wix (v3.11.2) and other
Microsoft components:

-dotnet runtime 6.0.5

-aspnetcore runtime 6.0.5

-windowsdesktop runtime 6.0.5

- Visual C++ 2015-2022 x64

- Microsoft Access Database Engine 2016 Redistributable

Microsoft components are installed only when needed. After deletion they
stay in the system.

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