[wix-users] MS-RL License for existing dialogs

Michael Behrisch oss at behrisch.de
Tue Jan 4 12:47:06 PST 2022

first of all, thanks for providing Wix and have a Happy New Year!

I have a question concerning licensing for the dialogs provided with Wix 
such as for example 
The documentation states (for instance here: 
that if you build a new dialog you should copy the existing one and add 
your modifications. If I understand the MS-RL correctly however this 
would require me to put my new dialog under the MS-RL as well. Is this 

And if so is there any way you could relicense the examples under a more 
liberal license? I want to avoid to have code of potential incompatible 
licenses in my repo which is currently mainly Eclipse Public License v2.

If there is an easier solution to that or my problem is not a problem at 
all I would be also happy to hear that (possibly with a small 
explanation why :-).

Best regards,

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