[wix-users] Access Denied when invoking a custom action

Coryat, Jim Jim.Coryat at softprocorp.com
Fri Apr 1 08:02:51 PDT 2022

Hi group,

Running into an issue and don't understand why.  I created a standard msi installer that installs support files and a Visual Studio extension. It uses one C# custom action to identify the installed instances of Visual Studio.  Really nothing special about the custom action and the code is open source. I borrowed the class code from the IsWix installer project.  For the person installing, the first time they run it, the installer will complete normally.  Running it multiple times will cause a dialog to display when the RunDll is invoked for the custom action:

"There was a problem starting <path to dll>"
Access is denied.

Walking through the logs shows the custom action being invoked as the precursor to the dialog and subsequent failure.

Has anyone seen this before and what did you do to resolve it?

Jim Coryat
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