[wix-users] localized names for NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE and BUILTIN\Administrators

Mike Henseler m.henseler at simfront.com
Thu Nov 18 04:21:52 PST 2021

Did you include WixUtilExtensions when linking?

-----Original Message-----
From: wix-users <wix-users-bounces at lists.wixtoolset.org> On Behalf Of Evan Ross via wix-users
Sent: November 17, 2021 11:17 PM
To: wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org
Cc: Evan Ross <eross99 at yahoo.com>
Subject: [wix-users] localized names for NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE and BUILTIN\Administrators

Hi all,
New to the list and I'm trying to solve a problem with a SQL Server bootstrapper install on a PC that might not be English Language.
Because of this I need to be able to refer to the NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE and BUILTIN\Administrators accounts in the InstallCommand line in their localized names on the machine. (for example NT-AUTORITÄT\NETZWERKDIENST on a German language machine)

I have the following fragment after my bundle to handle the SQL install <Fragment>

    <PackageGroup Id="SQLSERVER">
      <ExePackage Id="Sql2019Express"
                 DisplayName="SQL Server 2019 Express"
                 UninstallCommand="/Action=Uninstall /INSTANCENAME=$(var.InstanceName) /FEATURES=SQL /Q ">

        <ExitCode Value ="3010" Behavior="forceReboot" />

For whatever reason the values for WIX_ACCOUNT_NETWORKSERVICE and WIX_ACCOUNT_ADMINISTRATORS are returning nothing as seen in the install log (see SQLSVCACCOUNT and SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS )

C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\004A55528A3D38224B71C2DE0D1A3291DAEF5E0F\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe, arguments: '"C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\004A55528A3D38224B71C2DE0D1A3291DAEF5E0F\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe" /ACTION=Install /INSTANCENAME=***** /FEATURES=SQL /SECURITYMODE=SQL /SAPWD=***** /TCPENABLED=1 /SQLSVCACCOUNT="" /SQLSVCSTARTUPTYPE=Automatic /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS= /ADDCURRENTUSERASSQLADMIN=FALSE /Q /IAcceptSQLServerLicenseTerms'

Am I not getting the PropertyRef at the right time?  I'm probably a little confused about how it works and what it should refer to.

Any help or ideas here will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

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