[wix-users] Bootstrapper localization not working

Juan Galvan juangalvandotnet at gmail.com
Wed Jun 2 21:16:25 PDT 2021

I should also add that I can see (using Process Monitor) the .xml and .wxl
for the 3082 folder being created in the temporal folder where the
bootstrapper is unfolded, so we can assume the files are in there...

On Thu, Jun 3, 2021 at 1:14 AM Juan Galvan <juangalvandotnet at gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> I'm experimenting with making my bootstrapper localizable, and failing
> miserably...
> I'm using the standard bootstrapper like this:
>     <BootstrapperApplicationRef
> Id="WixStandardBootstrapperApplication.RtfLicense">
>       <bal:WixStandardBootstrapperApplication
> LicenseFile="$(var.InstallerSourceFolder)license.rtf"
> LogoFile="$(var.InstallerSourceFolder)logo.png"
> ThemeFile="$(var.InstallerSourceFolder)1033\thm.xml"
> LocalizationFile="$(var.InstallerSourceFolder)1033\thm.wxl" />
>       <Payload Id="thm_dk" Name="3082\thm.wxl"  Compressed="yes"
> SourceFile="$(var.InstallerSourceFolder)3082\thm.wxl" />
>       <Payload Id="thmx_dk" Name="3082\thm.xml" Compressed="yes"
> SourceFile="$(var.InstallerSourceFolder)3082\thm.xml" />
> And while I can control, make changes and see results for the 1033 locale,
> when I run my installer with the *-lang 3082 *argument it won't show any
> UI and the logs show this:
> [481C:1E28][2021-06-02T20:57:22]i000: Unsetting variable
> 'WixBundleManufacturer'
> [481C:341C][2021-06-02T20:57:22]i000: Setting numeric variable
> 'WixStdBALanguageId' to value 1033
> [481C:341C][2021-06-02T20:57:22]i000: Setting version variable
> 'WixBundleFileVersion' to value ''
> [481C:341C][2021-06-02T20:57:22]e000: Error 0x8007000d: Failed to load
> theme controls.
> [481C:341C][2021-06-02T20:57:22]e000: Error 0x80004005: Failed to create
> main window.
> [481C:1E28][2021-06-02T20:57:22]i500: Shutting down, exit code: 0x4005
> Browsing WiX source code it seems like it could be failing in here: wix3/thmutil.cpp
> at develop · wixtoolset/wix3 (github.com)
> <https://github.com/wixtoolset/wix3/blob/develop/src/libs/dutil/thmutil.cpp#L420> but
> I don't get much more details in the logs.
> Is there a way I could set the log level to DEBUG or any other hint you
> can think of in order to try to get ease the guessing game of _where_ is it
> failing?
> I also found the theme viewer utility and the .xml file loads just fine in
> there...
> Any light you can shed on this would be greatly appreciated...
> thanks!

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