[wix-users] Bundle upgrade fails: Cannot read language ID

Bob Arnson bob at firegiant.com
Mon Dec 20 10:13:09 PST 2021

Or the bundle is running from a LocalSystem service, which is how MSI parents a per-machine package.

-----Original Message-----
From: wix-users <wix-users-bounces at lists.wixtoolset.org> On Behalf Of Sean Hall via wix-users
Sent: Monday, 20 December, 2021 12:17
To: WiX Toolset Users Mailing List <wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org>
Cc: Sean Hall <r.sean.hall at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [wix-users] Bundle upgrade fails: Cannot read language ID

> The first package it detects, it reports as being a per-user scope, 
> but I
suspect that's just because of how the fPerMachine flag was initialized.

No, if it reported it as per-user scope then that means MsiGetProductInfoEx was able to find that product for MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_USERUNMANAGED. If that's not what you expected, then it seems the MSI APIs are broken on that machine or memory is getting corrupted.

On Mon, Dec 20, 2021 at 10:39 AM Jacques Eloff via wix-users < wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org> wrote:

> Hi
> I've been looking at a failure when a bundle tries to upgrade an MSI 
> (where the MSI have the language column set). All the MSIs are 
> per-machine installs.
> From the logs, it appears to fail in msiengine.cpp in the snippet 
> below
> // Ignore related product where we can't read the language.
>                 if (FAILED(hr))
>                 {
>                     LogErrorId(hr,
> sczInstalledLanguage, NULL);
>                     hr = S_OK;
>                     continue;
>                 }
> From the logs I observe some odd behavior.
> The first package it detects, it reports as being a per-user scope, 
> but I suspect that's just because of how the fPerMachine flag was initialized.
> All subsequent packages are then reporting failures, whether they have 
> language IDs in their upgrade tables or not.
> [2EF0:29B8][2021-12-16T23:33:59]i103: Detected related package:
> {9376EAFC-5ABE-4A09-B1D7-6F1DD4904105}, scope: PerUser, version:
> 48.3.31210.0, language: 0 operation: MajorUpgrade
> [2EF0:29B8][2021-12-16T23:33:59]i108: Detected compatible package:
> Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Android.Manifest_6.
> si,
> provider: Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Android,6.0.100,x64, installed:
> {CA87338A-7E35-413F-87C2-4E5C6E88A62D}, version: 124.25.16443, chained:
> {879C90F1-F656-4B45-AE49-87AF5A6BA28C}
> [2EF0:29B8][2021-12-16T23:33:59]e152: Detected related package:
> {CA87338A-7E35-413F-87C2-4E5C6E88A62D}, but failed to read language: ,
> error: 0x8ff2a8
> Here's the kicker though. 4 consecutive runs of the budle produced 4 
> different error codes, none of which are document under 
> MsiGetProductInfoExW
> 0x8ff2a8
> 0x53f5f4
> 0x19f1e4
> 0xa2f24c
> The end result is that a potential downgrade is not detected, the 
> engine executes an MSI that then triggers its launch condition blocker 
> causing the bundle to fail.
> Anyone seen this before? I've not been able to reproduce this yet.
> Thanks,
> Jacques
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