[wix-users] Auto Dependencies

Marc Chantelois mchantelois at gmail.com
Thu Nov 5 19:46:23 PST 2020

Let's see if this can help you... 

My .net core app is build using VS2019.  I use « heat » to harvest my "publish" folder to harvest all the binary since we package all the .net core dependency part of the application.  During the « Harvest » I’m filtering the « exe », the « pdb » and the « xml » files that ends up in the publish folder (with xslt).  The harvesting create a file that regroup all the folder contain under a component group.  
I create another .wsx file that will contain the component that I wanted but that I filter previously.  I do that because I wanted to add those Items with more details tag like firewall, serviceInstall, ServiceConfig, and ServiceControl.  This file refer the component group that I harvest and it also define the install location for the application.  

So far it is working very well and it is easy to manage !     

> Le 5 nov. 2020 à 15:09, Tyler Engelhardt via wix-users <wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org> a écrit :
> Hey everyone,
> I'm new to working with .NET, working in an enterprise environment, and
> creating Windows Services / installers seems to be the most convoluted
> thing every by Microsoft when it comes to .NET development. Even creating a
> Windows Service for a NodeJS app is 10x easier.
> Anyway, I've learned how to create an installer and service for a .NET Core
> application using WiX. The only problem is trying to manage all of the
> dependencies. Even for a basic Worker Service application, there are over
> 50 files. I saw a post on how to use the <HeatDirectory> component after
> unloading the project, but this doesn't seem to work. What suggestions do
> you have? I'm trying to make an installer that's easy to manage and auto
> creates services so I can have this deployed to over 50 VMs.
> <Target Name="BeforeBuild">
>    <HeatDirectory
>      OutputFile="$(ProjectDir)\ProductInstallFiles.wxs"
>      Directory="..\WorkerService1"
>      ComponentGroupName="ProductFilesComponentGroup"
>      DirectoryRefId="INSTALLLOCATION"
>      AutogenerateGuids="true"
>      PreprocessorVariable="var.WorkerService1.ProjectDir"
>      SuppressRegistry="true"
>      SuppressRootDirectory="true"
>      ToolPath="$(WixToolPath)"
>      NoLogo="true" />
>  </Target>
> I'm using WiX 3.11.2 and VS Code 2019.
> Thank you!
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