[wix-users] Wix with windows server 2016 requires .Net 3.5.1

Sean Hall r.sean.hall at gmail.com
Mon Jul 20 21:31:19 PDT 2020

v3 stuck with .NET 3.5 for backwards compability. v3.14 is intended to help
migrate user's to v4, it requires .NET 4. You can try a development build
of v3.14 if you want.

On Tue, Jul 21, 2020, 07:46 Brad Thompson via wix-users <
wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org> wrote:

> I've used Wix for many years, but recently I started working on a Windows
> Server 2016. When I tried to install the Wix tool set it requires me to
> install .Net Framework 3.5.1
> Is there a reason why Wix has not been updated to use a newer version?
> Installing the .Net Framework at the college where I am working is
> problematic. Worse yet, I am working with a bunch of other college IT
> departments with less skills than I have.
> --
> Senior DBA - Edmonds College
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