[wix-users] IIS Default Web Site Require SSL setting

Ven H venh.123 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 6 02:33:36 PST 2020

I need to set "Require SSL" to true for Default Web Site through my MSI.
For that, I am using the following WiX fragment. But it is still not
working. Is it mandatory to associate certificate?

  <iis:WebSite Id="DefaultWebSite" Description="Default Web Site"
      <iis:WebAddress Id="DefaultWebSiteAddr" Port="80" IP="*"
*Secure="yes"* />

Please help. I can't associate a certificate upfront, as it would vary for
every customer. Hence it (associating certificate) will be done manually,
outside of the MSI. But, I just need Require SSL to be true for Default Web

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