[wix-users] ICE validation errors

Charles Christie cchristie at generaldigital.com
Wed Feb 5 09:56:23 PST 2020

I am creating an installer for an Access 2007 database project. The problem is that it only works in Access 2007; newer versions of Access refuse to open it. I tried to create unregistered Shortcuts so that I could target the company-wide installation location for the Access 2007 Runtime (C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12\MSACCESS.EXE) but I get the following messages:

C:\Users\cchristie\source\repos\GDMSPInstaller\UniTracker Setup\Artifacts\bin\UTInstaller.wxs(91): error LGHT0204: ICE03: Bad shortcut target; Table: Shortcut, Column: Target, Key(s): ProgramMenuFolder.UTShortcut
C:\Users\cchristie\source\repos\GDMSPInstaller\UniTracker Setup\Artifacts\bin\UTInstaller.wxs(139): error LGHT0204: ICE03: Bad shortcut target; Table: Shortcut, Column: Target, Key(s): DesktopFolder.DesktopShortcut

What can I do to correct these, if anything? Wix source below:
          <Component Id="Component.UTShortcut" Guid="283ad75e-0125-40ab-beb7-9edd6ad5c1b4">
            <Shortcut Id="ProgramMenuFolder.Universal_Tracker.UTShortcut" WorkingDirectory="INSTALLDIR" Target="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12\MSACCESS.EXE" Arguments="[INSTALLDIR]UT.ade" Name="Universal Tracker.lnk" Icon="IconFile1_UTIcon.ico" IconIndex="0" />

            <RegistryKey Root="HKCU" Key="Software\WixSharp\Used">
              <RegistryValue Value="0" Type="string" KeyPath="yes" />

Note that if I suppress the ICE03 message, the icons are just never created at all when the installer is run.

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