[wix-users] Logging password variables using WiX managed bootstrapper - A serious blocking issue

manogna reddy manogna657 at gmail.com
Wed May 1 00:10:06 PDT 2019


I have a variable declared in Bundle.wxs which stores the password

*<Variable Name="PASSWORD" Persisted="yes" Hidden="yes"/>*

When I try to pass the variable '*PASSWORD*' from command line , value will
be hidden as below which is working as expected

*[61D0:39C0][2019-05-01T11:57:15]i009: Command Line:
'"-burn.clean.room=Setup.exe" -burn.filehandle.attached=596
-burn.filehandle.self=648 /s /i USERNAME=abc  PASSWORD=*****'*

When I try to pass the variable '*password'* from command line , value will
be shown  in the  log file as below . In my scenario it should hide the
variable value irrespective of case

  *[61D0:39C0][2019-05-01T12:07:15]i009: Command Line:
'"-burn.clean.room=Setup.exe" -burn.filehandle.attached=596
-burn.filehandle.self=648 /s /i USERNAME=abc  PASSWORD=12345'*

*Is  there any way to achieve this? Because I can't force the users to
specify varaible name in specific format.*

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