[wix-users] Need some help fixing this Burn script...
Edwin Castro
egcastr at gmail.com
Wed Mar 20 10:35:59 PDT 2019
Setting Permanent="yes" on the ExePackage and MsiPackage elements will
disallow uninstallation of those packages. That means the bundle will never
uninstall the packages which is probably not what you want.
I expect you could decide what to do for rollback on a package by package
basis if you write a custom bootstrapper application but somebody with more
experience will need to confirm that as I've never written a custom
bootstrapper application.
Edwin G. Castro
On Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 10:28 AM Mike Franchitti <
mfranchitti at redshift-tech.com> wrote:
> Sorry Edwin, but do you know of a way to control the rollback? Ideally, I
> would only want it to rollback the failing installer.
> On Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 1:28 PM Mike Franchitti <
> mfranchitti at redshift-tech.com> wrote:
>> Really appreciate your help with this Edwin!
>> I will look into the ExitCode elements you mentioned and see if I can get
>> CDM to go through as a success. I just verified that it did install
>> successfully on target machine despite returning exit code 0x1.
>> On Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 1:23 PM Edwin Castro <egcastr at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> The SerialPortDriver package, installed with CDM21228_Setup.exe, is
>>> returning exit code 0x1 which is interpreted by the bundle as a failure.
>>> [1594:1F7C][2019-03-20T12:52:25]i301: Applying execute package:
>>> SerialPortDriver, action: Install, path: C:\ProgramData\Package
>>> Cache\C44678C7459798C800332273C74049CEA204A604\CDM21228_Setup.exe,
>>> arguments: '"C:\ProgramData\Package
>>> Cache\C44678C7459798C800332273C74049CEA204A604\CDM21228_Setup.exe"'
>>> [1594:1F7C][2019-03-20T12:52:32]e000: Error 0x80070001: Process returned
>>> error: 0x1
>>> [1594:1F7C][2019-03-20T12:52:32]e000: Error 0x80070001: Failed to
>>> execute EXE package.
>>> [2D28:35C0][2019-03-20T12:52:32]e000: Error 0x80070001: Failed to
>>> configure per-machine EXE package.
>>> [2D28:35C0][2019-03-20T12:52:32]i319: Applied execute package:
>>> SerialPortDriver, result: 0x80070001, restart: None
>>> [2D28:35C0][2019-03-20T12:52:32]e000: Error 0x80070001: Failed to
>>> execute EXE package.
>>> As a result, the bundle rolls back the other packages. The bundle will
>>> run the uninstall command to roll back packages.
>>> NOTE: The bundle expects the failing package to roll itself back!
>>> First, you see the Sparkwave package roll back:
>>> [2D28:35C0][2019-03-20T12:52:32]i301: Applying rollback package:
>>> Sparkwave, action: Uninstall, path: (null), arguments: '
>>> [2D28:35C0][2019-03-20T12:52:35]i319: Applied rollback package:
>>> Sparkwave, result: 0x0, restart: None
>>> Followed by the Consensys package:
>>> [1594:1F7C][2019-03-20T12:52:35]i301: Applying rollback package:
>>> Consensys, action: Uninstall, path: C:\ProgramData\Package
>>> Cache\4F3679442D5925D31D0BDCD863D5E799EB848D2C\Setup.exe, arguments:
>>> '"C:\ProgramData\Package
>>> Cache\4F3679442D5925D31D0BDCD863D5E799EB848D2C\Setup.exe"'
>>> [2D28:35C0][2019-03-20T12:53:13]i319: Applied rollback package:
>>> Consensys, result: 0x0, restart: None
>>> Then the GazepointControl package which fails to uninstall as it returns
>>> exit code 0x2:
>>> [1594:1F7C][2019-03-20T12:53:13]i301: Applying rollback package:
>>> GazepointControl, action: Uninstall, path: C:\ProgramData\Package
>>> Cache\15368F3BCEDE2502575E7F5D620AC74A6BE4CBC3\Gazepoint_5.3.0.exe,
>>> arguments: '"C:\ProgramData\Package
>>> Cache\15368F3BCEDE2502575E7F5D620AC74A6BE4CBC3\Gazepoint_5.3.0.exe"'
>>> [1594:1F7C][2019-03-20T12:53:19]e000: Error 0x80070002: Process returned
>>> error: 0x2
>>> [1594:1F7C][2019-03-20T12:53:19]e000: Error 0x80070002: Failed to
>>> execute EXE package.
>>> [2D28:35C0][2019-03-20T12:53:19]e000: Error 0x80070002: Failed to
>>> configure per-machine EXE package.
>>> [2D28:35C0][2019-03-20T12:53:19]i319: Applied rollback package:
>>> GazepointControl, result: 0x80070002, restart: None
>>> NOTE: The arguments used to uninstall the ExePackages are identical to
>>> the install arguments! You'll want to set UninstallCommand on those
>>> ExePackages to tell the bundle how to correctly uninstall them.
>>> The bundle knows how to uninstall MsiPackages so you don't have to tell
>>> it how to do that.
>>> You'll still need to troubleshoot why CDM21228_Setup.exe is returning
>>> exit code 0x1. If that is a success exit code, then you'll want to add an
>>> ExitCode elements under your ExePackage element to tell the bundle to treat
>>> it as a success. You could add more ExitCode elements to handle other
>>> possible exit codes.
>>> http://wixtoolset.org/documentation/manual/v3/xsd/wix/exitcode.html
>>> I assume Gazepoint_5.3.0.exe returned exit code 0x2 during rollback
>>> because it was already installed but you'll want to check that as well.
>>> To summarize, your packages are running twice because the bundle thinks
>>> the last one failed and when it tried to uninstall the previous packages it
>>> ran the install command because it didn't have a proper uninstall command.
>>> --
>>> Edwin G. Castro
>>> On Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 10:00 AM Mike Franchitti <
>>> mfranchitti at redshift-tech.com> wrote:
>>>> Here you go.
>>>> On Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 11:56 AM Edwin Castro <egcastr at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Can you share logs?
>>>>> --
>>>>> Edwin G. Castro
>>>>> On Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 8:15 AM Mike Franchitti <
>>>>> mfranchitti at redshift-tech.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Edwin,
>>>>>> Thanks a lot - I am now using the DetectCondition & InstallCondition
>>>>>> properly.
>>>>>> My script is still trying to execute installers in the chain multiple
>>>>>> times. To be specific - it asks me to install Gazepoint, Consensys, etc...
>>>>>> two times during a single run of the burn installer...
>>>>>> On Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 10:43 AM Edwin Castro <egcastr at gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Logs are very helpful in determining what the bundle is doing. Here
>>>>>>> are some general comments instead...
>>>>>>> I think you use DetectCondition to determine if a package is
>>>>>>> installed.
>>>>>>> I think you use InstallCondition to decide whether to install a
>>>>>>> package that is not installed.
>>>>>>> For example, I use DetectCondition to determine if an ExePackage is
>>>>>>> already installed *but* I use InstallCondition to install the 32-bit
>>>>>>> package on a 32-bit OS and the 64-bit package on a 64-bit OS.
>>>>>>> MsiPackage can already determine if an MSI is already is installed
>>>>>>> so you probably do not need the RegistrySearch for it. I use
>>>>>>> InstallCondition with MsiPackage to install the 32-bit package on a
>>>>>>> 32-bit OS and the 64-bit package on a 64-bit OS.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Edwin G. Castro
>>>>>>> On Wed, Mar 20, 2019, 06:49 Mike Franchitti via wix-users <
>>>>>>> wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>> The following script is not working correctly, and I am not sure
>>>>>>>> how to
>>>>>>>> proceed - if someone could take a look and provide some feedback I'd
>>>>>>>> appreciate it...
>>>>>>>> My target is to get this working on Windows 10.
>>>>>>>> Here are the problems I've seen so far:
>>>>>>>> - The generated .exe tries to run some of the installers listed
>>>>>>>> in the
>>>>>>>> chain multiple times.
>>>>>>>> - The Sparkwave installer (which works on it's own) fails to run
>>>>>>>> if it's
>>>>>>>> placed AFTER the CDM installer with errors related to verifying
>>>>>>>> it's hash.
>>>>>>>> (If I place the Sparkwave installer BEFORE the CDM installer in
>>>>>>>> the chain
>>>>>>>> it works correctly)...
>>>>>>>> - The CDM installer appears to run all the way through, but upon
>>>>>>>> click
>>>>>>>> the final "finish" button in that installer the Burn script fails
>>>>>>>> with Error 0x80070001. I think this is related to it's attempt
>>>>>>>> to run the
>>>>>>>> same installers multiple times...
>>>>>>>> Here is my script:
>>>>>>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>>>>>>>> <Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi" xmlns:util="
>>>>>>>> http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/UtilExtension">
>>>>>>>> <Bundle Name="Bootstrap" Version=""
>>>>>>>> Manufacturer="Bootstrap"
>>>>>>>> UpgradeCode="537641ca-e876-4bcb-8d57-c6cdc8940c84">
>>>>>>>> <BootstrapperApplicationRef
>>>>>>>> Id="WixStandardBootstrapperApplication.RtfLicense" />
>>>>>>>> <util:FileSearch
>>>>>>>> Id="SearchForGazepoint"
>>>>>>>> Path="[ProgramFilesFolder]Gazepoint\Gazepoint\bin\Gazepoint.exe"
>>>>>>>> Variable="GazepointFound"
>>>>>>>> Result="exists" />
>>>>>>>> <util:FileSearch
>>>>>>>> Id="SearchForConsensys"
>>>>>>>> Path="[ProgramFilesFolder]Shimmer\ConsensysPRO\Consensys_v1.5.0\Consensys.exe"
>>>>>>>> Variable="ConsensysFound"
>>>>>>>> Result="exists" />
>>>>>>>> <util:RegistrySearch
>>>>>>>> Id="SearchForFTDI"
>>>>>>>> Root="HKLM"
>>>>>>>> Key="SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\FTDIBUS"
>>>>>>>> Result="exists"
>>>>>>>> Variable="FTDIFound"/>
>>>>>>>> <util:RegistrySearch
>>>>>>>> Id="SearchForSparkwave"
>>>>>>>> Root="HKCU"
>>>>>>>> Key="Software\Spark Neuro\Sparkwave"
>>>>>>>> Result="exists"
>>>>>>>> Variable="SparkwaveFound"/>
>>>>>>>> <Chain>
>>>>>>>> <PackageGroupRef Id="NetFx472Redist"/>
>>>>>>>> <ExePackage Id='GazepointControl'
>>>>>>>> SourceFile="../../ExternalSoftware/Gazepoint_5.3.0.exe" Vital='yes'
>>>>>>>> PerMachine='yes' InstallCondition='NOT GazepointFound'/>
>>>>>>>> <ExePackage Id='Consensys'
>>>>>>>> SourceFile="../../ExternalSoftware/Setup.exe" Vital='yes'
>>>>>>>> PerMachine='yes'
>>>>>>>> InstallCondition='NOT ConsensysFound'/>
>>>>>>>> <MsiPackage Id='Sparkwave' SourceFile='Sparkwave.msi'
>>>>>>>> Vital='yes'
>>>>>>>> InstallCondition='NOT SparkwaveFound' Visible='yes'
>>>>>>>> DisplayInternalUI='yes'></MsiPackage>
>>>>>>>> <ExePackage Id='SerialPortDriver'
>>>>>>>> SourceFile="../../ExternalSoftware/CDM21228_Setup.exe" Vital='yes'
>>>>>>>> PerMachine='yes' InstallCondition='NOT FTDIFound'/>
>>>>>>>> </Chain>
>>>>>>>> </Bundle>
>>>>>>>> </Wix>
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